
When People Work Together Anything Is Possible

A strong community is about the power of connection and the beauty of compassion.

It’s neighbors helping neighbors to overcome life’s challenges and celebrate each other's successes. Omega CDC was founded on the mission to develop the Northwest Dayton Community and everything we do is built to bring people together.

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Our Community Programs

Engaging residents in opportunities that enhance and strengthen the Northwest Dayton community.

Senior Resource Coordinator

Omega CDC's senior resource coordinator works with residents at the Omega Senior Lofts to provide community-building activities like game night, yoga, outdoor activities, and other common activity interests. We also connect the seniors to resources they need such as rent/utility help, health care, food assistance, transportation, and information about community events.

Family Resource Coordinator

The Family Resource Coordinators help families identify barriers to academic success and work with the family to find the resources and support necessary to remove those barriers. This program is available to families and students at Fairview Elementary and Edwin Joel Brown Middle School.

Family Coaching

The family coaching team is dedicated to helping families across our community achieve self-sufficiency. Our family coaches assist with goal-setting, problem-solving, and connecting families to local programs and resources for stability and growth. We celebrate accomplished goals with monetary incentives.

Hope Center Computer Lab

The Hope Center offers access to computers on:

Mondays from
10:00am - 12:00pm and
1:00pm - 3:00pm

They say that the first step is the hardest, and that was true when I first heard about the type of help that is offered by Omega CDC, because I was too embarrassed, ashamed and afraid to call. I was in a transitioning phase of my life and asking for help is not easy for me, but immediately upon contacting the Hope Center and Omega CDC, I was uplifted and encouraged”
-Omega CDC Member
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