Place-Based-What does it mean?


In our work we often use the term place-based but what does that mean? In a nutshell, place-based initiatives are about improving the lives of marginalized individuals, by increasing access to opportunities and resources in their own community. But here’s the catch,  if these efforts don’t involve input from the communities they’re trying to help, they could end up making things worse by reinforcing existing inequalities or imposing unintended consequences.

At Omega CDC, we’re firm believers in the place-based approach, and community engagement is at the heart of everything we do. We don’t believe in one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, we prioritize listening to the voices of Northwest Dayton residents. By collaborating closely with our neighbors, we gain valuable insights into both the challenges we face and the strengths we possess. This approach allows us to develop tailored solutions that address our community’s unique needs and build upon our existing assets.

Place-based isn’t just a buzzword—it’s our guiding principle. Because when we recognize and celebrate the distinct qualities of our community, that’s when we can truly make a difference.